doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2014.1.3eng

UDC 631.52:577.113.5:575.2:51-76:57.087.11


Yu.V. Chesnokov, N.V. Kocherina, A.M. Artemyeva

All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
44, ul. Bolshaya Morskaya, Saint Petersburg, 190000 Russia,

Received June 25, 2013

A contribution of molecular markers to investigation of genetic diversity, including diversity in collection accessions preserved in gene banks of plant genetic resources (PGR), is discussed. It is shown the role of establishment of interaction between molecular divergence, phenotype divergence and coancestry of PGR accessions, as well as the possibility to use molecular-genetic analysis for classification upon heterotic groups and PGR management. On the basis of statistical analysis and own results of investigations, it is shown the possibility to establish interaction between molecular divergence and heterosis, and perspectives for using combined molecular-genetic and statistical methods of analysis. Discussed methodical approaches are mainly in use in different breeding program abroad. In Russia, the interest to these approaches is raising too. Among potential applications of molecular markers it is necessary to note selection and identification of parent forms on which new breeding populations are obtained. It makes a key moment for most breeders. Use of statistical approaches as an addition to molecular and genetic ones allows not only to simplify and classify selection of parent pairs, but also to reduce considerably the expenses for breeding material evaluation.

Keywords: plant genetic resources, molecular markers, statistical analysis, heterosis, plant breeding.


Full article (Rus)



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